監製 楊力州|導演 楊力州|總製片 朱詩倩|副導演 蕭人瑋|製片 王綉雯|攝影 蕭人瑋|剪輯 何炘頤|音效製作與混音 大河音樂 趙元蓉 吳慧婷|調光 時間軸影像製作有限公司 洪雪芹|特別感謝 梁睿哲(老麥)、蔡翌琳、鄭益勝、羅亦辰、陳嬿之、裴家騏、獅虎 阿彪、紅毛猩猩 佛斯特、棕熊 鮭魚、台灣獼猴 波特
這裡有2000隻因各式原因而來到這裡的野生動物:被早已禁止卻可輕易購得的捕獸夾夾斷雙臂的獼猴波特、被馬戲團棄置在狹小鐵籠內的棕熊鮭魚、非法走私住在陰暗地下室的紅毛猩猩佛斯特、邪惡人工配種導致基因缺陷的獅虎阿彪。 他們被長期安置在這裡,當過去的可怕記憶襲來時,這群動物們竟開口說出內心的憤恨⋯⋯。
This is home to 2000 wild animals sent here due to all kinds of reasons: Potter the monkey whose hands were ripped off by a type of illegal but accessible animal trap, Salmon the brown bear abandoned and locked in a small cage by a circus, Foster the orangutan smuggled and confined in a shabby basement, and Liger the lion-tiger hybrid who sufferers severe genetic disorders caused by human-mediated hybridization.
They have settled here for a long time; when the bad memories surface, these animals speak out the hatred inside them.